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Viewing feeds

Feeds are lists of posts, paginated by cursors. Bluesky has a few types of feeds:

  • timelines: the default chronological feed of posts from users the authenticated user follows
  • feed generators: custom feeds made by users and organiziations
  • author feeds: a feed of posts by a single author

Viewing a user's timeline

The Bluesky agent you created in the Get Started section has a dedicated getTimeline method that returns the authenticated user's timeline. It accepts two parameters: cursor and limit.

cursorstringA cursor that tells the server where to paginate fromNo''
limitnumberThe number of posts to return per page (max 100)No50
const { data } = await agent.getTimeline({
cursor: "...",
limit: 30,

const { feed: postsArray, cursor: nextPage } = data;

Feed generators

Feed generators (custom feeds) are created by users and organizations, and are therefore tied to an account via its DID. References to feed generators take the form of a URI with the following shape:


To fetch a feed generator, use the getFeed method on the app.bsky.feed namespace on your Bluesky agent. The method accepts the following parameters

feedstringThe URI of the feed generator to fetchYes
cursorstringA cursor that tells the server where to paginate fromNo''
limitnumberThe number of posts to return per page (max 100)No50

In the example below, we fetch the first 30 posts from the "Discover" custom feed.
const { data } = await
feed: "at://did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.feed.generator/whats-hot",
limit: 30,
headers: {
"Accept-Language": preferredLanguages,

const { feed: postsArray, cursor: nextPage } = data;

We recommend sending the Accept-Language header to get posts in the user's preferred language. This header accepts a comma separated string of two-character language codes, e.g. en,es.

Feed generators are also described by data accessible via the getFeedGenerator method also on the app.bsky.feed namespace. This method returns metadata about the feed generator, including its name, description, etc. It accepts a single parameter, feed, which is the URI of the feed generator to fetch.

feedstringThe URI of the feed generator to fetchYes
const { data } = await{
feed: "at://did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.feed.generator/whats-hot",

const { creator, displayName, description, avatar, likeCount } = data.view;

Author feeds

Author feeds return posts by a single user.

actorstringThe DID of the author whose posts you'd like to fetchYes
filterstringThe type of posts you'd like to receive in the responseNoposts_with_replies, posts_no_replies, posts_with_media, posts_and_author_threadsposts_with_replies
cursorstringA cursor that tells the server where to paginate fromNo''
limitnumberThe number of posts to return per page (max 100)No50
const { data } = await agent.getAuthorFeed({
actor: 'did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur',
filter: 'posts_and_author_threads',
limit: 30,

const { feed: postsArray, cursor: nextPage } = data;