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This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List moderation events related to a subject.


Query Parameters

    types string[]

    The types of events (fully qualified string in the format of tools.ozone.moderation.defs#modEvent) to filter by. If not specified, all events are returned.

    createdBy did
    sortDirection string

    Default value: desc

    Sort direction for the events. Defaults to descending order of created at timestamp.

    createdAfter date-time

    Retrieve events created after a given timestamp

    createdBefore date-time

    Retrieve events created before a given timestamp

    subject uri
    collections nsid[]

    Possible values: <= 20

    If specified, only events where the subject belongs to the given collections will be returned. When subjectType is set to 'account', this will be ignored.

    subjectType string

    Possible values: [account, record]

    If specified, only events where the subject is of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to 'account' the 'collections' parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.

    includeAllUserRecords boolean

    If true, events on all record types (posts, lists, profile etc.) or records from given 'collections' param, owned by the did are returned.

    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 50

    hasComment boolean

    If true, only events with comments are returned

    comment string

    If specified, only events with comments containing the keyword are returned

    addedLabels string[]

    If specified, only events where all of these labels were added are returned

    removedLabels string[]

    If specified, only events where all of these labels were removed are returned

    addedTags string[]

    If specified, only events where all of these tags were added are returned

    removedTags string[]

    If specified, only events where all of these tags were removed are returned

    reportTypes string[]
    cursor string




    cursor string




  • Array [

  • id integerrequired





    comment string
    durationInHours integer
    acknowledgeAccountSubjects boolean

    If true, all other reports on content authored by this account will be resolved (acknowledged).





    did didrequired
    subjectBlobCids string[]required
    createdBy didrequired
    createdAt date-timerequired
    creatorHandle string
    subjectHandle string
  • ]
